Donnerstag, 10. Januar 2008

Paradise Malaysia

The people, who I meet are very interested in the things that I like most about Malaysia. I am always stuttering first because instantly I am thinking of so many different aspect that I love.

Malaysians themselves are the best Malaysia has to offer. Everywhere I go here the people like to chat. Sometimes I just sit down on a bench in a mall knowing that somebody will start a conversation with me or the other way around. I think Malaysia shares this characteristic with Indonesia and some other south-east-Asian countries.

Furthermore am I exposed to multiple totally different cultures and thus I learn a lot about traditions, the mentality and way of proper behavior. I love the situations, when I smell the fragrance of incense sticks of a Chinese shop altar, talking to a Hinduist Indian woman with a Bindi o her forehead and dressed in a colorful Sari while the muezzin’s voice resounds from the nearby mosque’s high-rising minaret, calling the Muslims to come for prayers. This and many more fascinating things became every-day-life for me. People keep on astonishing me with absorbing stories about culture and religion.

To change from the humane composition to the physical properties of Malaysia I must admit that I have never had my jaw dropping down so often because of stunning scenery. Palm-lined, kilometer long stretches of white sandy beach, hilly mountain ranges with lush rainforests and finally the bustling activity in the cities make this country an indulgence for the eyes.

I will definitely not forget to mention the Malaysian cuisine of which I personally prefer the Indian and Malay one. Before arriving in Malaysia I made it an objective for me to try every food that I am given at least three times before judging it. I would like to present you the Top 5 Selection of my favorite Malaysian dishes.

Unmistakably on the Top of my list is the fruit Durian, that I have talked of so many times. I still remember that I didn’t like it when trying it for the first two times. Besides the fresh fruit flesh I also like Durian Ice Cream (Aiskrim Malaysia).

Now I have problems to choose only four other of the vast variety of mouth watering food. I give Nasi Lemak the priority that evolved to one of my favorites only after some six month. Now I love to eat the spicy chilli Sambal (My favourite is Anchovies Sambal) together with the rice, that was cooked in coconut cream, and amendments (groundnuts, cucumber, boiled eggs and fried anchovies).

I entitle Nasi Biryani as #3. I prefer to eat this savory, hot Indian dish with either chicken curry or Kurma sauce. Accomplished with vegetables, Papadam bread and other amendments this is always a heaven.

I proudly announce Roti Cheese Naan on the fourth position. This Indian bread, made of wheat flour is stuffed with cheese. I get rebates and additional cheese in some Mamak’s as I am a frequent customer there. The employees are happy when I talk some Tamil with them.

Last but not least I want to emphasize that I love the fruits that grow here. From to hairy Rambutans over the watery pineapple to the juicy papayas and mangoes. Here I get them all fresh and I even have the opportunity to pluck them myself.

I think from the beginning of this blog you already noticed how marvelous Malaysia is, but I want to recommend visiting this country once again.

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